directly or indirectlyused to produce economic goods and services, suc terjemahan - directly or indirectlyused to produce economic goods and services, suc Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

directly or indirectlyused to produ

directly or indirectly
used to produce economic goods and services, such as various machinery and other
means. The concept of land is considered as the sum of all the natural resources that are used
to produce goods and services, such as water, oil, gas, soil, metal and other sources.
KAIROS - Evangelical Journal of Theology / Vol. IV. No. 2 (2010), pp. 223-236
What kind of crisis is at stake? Some scholars 3 believe this crisis to be the one
that started as a financial crisis in the United States of America and is spreading
throughout the globe, growing into an economic and political crisis, but also as
the one that could grow into a social crisis because its consequences are being felt
in the very pulse of society, a society which is more and more split by the divide of
the rich minority class from the poor majority. The various causes for this state of
crisis are cited to include the absence of an organized market and industrial capital,
and the disjunction of work and money due to the appearance of so-called
“virtual money”, but the source of the problem is actually discerned in human
superficiality, greed, and hypocrisy.
Where is Christianity in all of this? To what extent are the gospel and the
subject matter of the Christian faith outside of a political agenda, yet on the other
hand, carry an ethical meaning and message through political action? What is the
purpose of the church? Is there a means to make people into Christ’s disciples,
proclaiming the salvation and redemption of Christianity of which God is at the
center, or merely accomplish the function of the identification of nations by religious
systems based on belonging to the nation and the church?
This article describes the roles that systems, such
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
langsung atau tidak langsungdigunakan untuk memproduksi barang-barang ekonomi dan layanan, seperti berbagai mesin dan lainnyaberarti. Konsep tanah dianggap sebagai jumlah dari semua sumber daya alam yang digunakanuntuk memproduksi barang dan jasa, seperti air, minyak, gas, tanah, logam dan sumber-sumber lain.224KAIROS-Injili jurnal teologi/vol. IV. No. 2 (2010), pp. 223-236Apa jenis krisis yang dipertaruhkan? Beberapa cendekiawan percaya krisis ini 3 menjadi salah satuyang mulai krisis keuangan di Amerika Serikat dan menyebarseluruh dunia, tumbuh menjadi krisis ekonomi dan politik, tetapi jugasalah satu yang bisa tumbuh menjadi krisis sosial karena konsekuensi sedang rasakandi Nadi sangat masyarakat, masyarakat yang semakin dibagi oleh perpecahankelas kaya minoritas dari mayoritas miskin. Berbagai penyebab keadaankrisis yang dikutip untuk menyertakan tidak adanya pasar yang terorganisir dan industri modal,dan kesenjangan kerja dan uang karena munculnya disebut"virtual uang", tetapi sumber masalah sebenarnya pertimbangan pada manusiakedangkalan, keserakahan, dan kemunafikan.Dimana ada kekristenan dalam semua ini? Untuk sejauh Injil dansubjek dari iman Kristen di luar agenda politik, namun di sisi laintangan, membawa etika makna dan pesan melalui aksi politik? Apatujuan sebuah gereja? Apakah ada cara untuk membuat orang menjadi murid-muridnya,memproklamirkan keselamatan dan penebusan Kekristenan yang Allah diPusat, atau hanya mencapai fungsi identifikasi oleh agama bangsasistem berdasarkan milik bangsa dan Jemaat?Artikel ini menjelaskan peran sistem tersebut, seperti
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
directly or indirectly
used to produce economic goods and services, such as various machinery and other
means. The concept of land is considered as the sum of all the natural resources that are used
to produce goods and services, such as water, oil, gas, soil, metal and other sources.
KAIROS - Evangelical Journal of Theology / Vol. IV. No. 2 (2010), pp. 223-236
What kind of crisis is at stake? Some scholars 3 believe this crisis to be the one
that started as a financial crisis in the United States of America and is spreading
throughout the globe, growing into an economic and political crisis, but also as
the one that could grow into a social crisis because its consequences are being felt
in the very pulse of society, a society which is more and more split by the divide of
the rich minority class from the poor majority. The various causes for this state of
crisis are cited to include the absence of an organized market and industrial capital,
and the disjunction of work and money due to the appearance of so-called
“virtual money”, but the source of the problem is actually discerned in human
superficiality, greed, and hypocrisy.
Where is Christianity in all of this? To what extent are the gospel and the
subject matter of the Christian faith outside of a political agenda, yet on the other
hand, carry an ethical meaning and message through political action? What is the
purpose of the church? Is there a means to make people into Christ’s disciples,
proclaiming the salvation and redemption of Christianity of which God is at the
center, or merely accomplish the function of the identification of nations by religious
systems based on belonging to the nation and the church?
This article describes the roles that systems, such
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Bahasa lainnya
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