Britain2009 14.3 4.9 5.1 3.35 2.182010 14.8 5.4 5.3 3.33 2.22Source: B terjemahan - Britain2009 14.3 4.9 5.1 3.35 2.182010 14.8 5.4 5.3 3.33 2.22Source: B Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Britain2009 14.3 4.9 5.1 3.35 2.182

2009 14.3 4.9 5.1 3.35 2.18
2010 14.8 5.4 5.3 3.33 2.22
Source: Bloomberg, 2010, posted in Jutarnji list, August 17, 2010.
Therefore, can it be that while thinking about postmodern times, it is possible to
consider the role and place of the Christian church and the spreading of the good
news, and whether the church can serve people, especially those who are vulnerable
in various ways, and that through works of charity in tangible practice, the
church can show the world how to “love your neighbor as yourself ”?
In his book, Confused God, Thomas Ruster, a theologian from Dortmund, asserts
that Christianity was perceiving and experiencing itself as a religion which
was able to mediate the relationship with ultimate reality, not only to individuals
but also to the society as a whole, but in the present day, that is no longer the case
because capitalism has overtaken Christianity in mediating the relationship with
ultimate reality, with what is determining and shaping our lives.
Ruster concludes that capitalism is a modern religion and that if Christianity
wants to remain faithful to God, of whom the Holy Scriptures testify, and which
can not be identified with the ultimate reality, should, as soon as possible, terminate
the relationship, that is, enter “dissolution” with capitalism as a modern
religion, and that theology has the task of conceiving possible ways to ultimately
achieve this dissolution. To achieve this, it is necessary, according to Ruster, to
re-analyze the salvific and the redemptive understanding of Christianity that has
KAIROS - Evangelical Journal of Theology / Vol. IV. No. 2 (2010), pp. 223-236
lost its relevance and is unable to mediate the experience that the God of whom
the Bible testifies is the one who brings salvation.
In the Bible, the words of Jesus Christ that speak about the way to eternal
life are written: “... Love the Lord your God with all your heart, your soul, your
strength and with all thy mind, and your neighbor as yourself ” (Luke 10:27). Can
the present-day Christian church persevere on the path of promoting and living
the way of love, or will it be over-burdened by prejudices of affiliation to, for example,
Roman Catholicism, Orthodoxy, or Protestantism?
Globalization and Faith
Can modern-day capitalism provide a way out of the addiction to materialism,
the orientation towards obtaining profits, or towards debt obligations which creates
citizens who invest everything into their own pride, skills, talents and knowledge?
Can an answer be expected from, in Nietzsche’s terms, a super-man who
considers himself a deity?
As Veselin Drašković states (2007:259), globalization represents “a historical,
realistic, contradictory, uneven, unstoppable and irreversible process” which,
through its manifestation, changes the international, economic, and other relations
in the direction of increased integration.
With the fall of socialism, particularly in the late 20th century, and with
the development of capitalism in formerly socialist countries which was based,
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Britania Raya2009 14,3 4.9 5.1 3.35 2.182010 5.4 5.3 14.8 3,33 2.22Sumber: Bloomberg, 2010 posted in Jutarnji daftar, 17 Agustus 2010.Oleh karena itu, bisa bahwa sementara memikirkan postmodern kali, itu mungkin untukmempertimbangkan peran dan tempat Gereja Kristen dan penyebaran yang baikBerita, dan apakah Jemaat dapat melayani orang-orang, terutama mereka yang rentandalam berbagai cara, dan bahwa melalui karya amal dalam praktek nyata,Gereja dapat menunjukkan kepada dunia cara "Kasihilah sesamamu manusia seperti dirimu sendiri"?Dalam bukunya, bingung Allah, Thomas Ruster, ahli teologi dari Dortmund, menegaskanbahwa kekristenan adalah memahami dan mengalami sendiri sebagai sebuah agama yangmampu untuk menengahi hubungan dengan realitas terakhir, tidak hanya untuk individutetapi juga masyarakat secara keseluruhan, tetapi di masa kini, ini tidak lagi terjadikarena kapitalisme telah dikalahkan Kekristianan dalam menengahi hubungan denganUltimate kenyataan, dengan apa yang menentukan dan membentuk hidup kita.Ruster menyimpulkan bahwa kapitalisme adalah sebuah agama yang modern dan bahwa jika Kekristenaningin tetap setia kepada Tuhan, yang Alkitab bersaksi, dan yangtidak dapat diidentifikasi dengan realitas terakhir, sesegera mungkin, harus mengakhirihubungan, yaitu masuk "pembubaran" dengan kapitalisme sebagai modernagama dan teologi yang mempunyai tugas hamil kemungkinan cara untuk akhirnyamencapai pembubaran ini. Untuk mencapai ini, hal ini diperlukan, menurut Ruster, untukmenganalisa kembali keselamatan dan tidak memiliki pemahaman penebusan Kekristenan yang memiliki228KAIROS-Injili jurnal teologi/vol. IV. No. 2 (2010), pp. 223-236kehilangan relevansinya dan tidak untuk menengahi pengalaman yang Allah yangAlkitab memberi kesaksian yang membawa keselamatan.Dalam Alkitab, perkataan-perkataan Yesus Kristus yang berbicara tentang cara untuk abadikehidupan tertulis: "... Kasihilah Tuhan, Allahmu, dengan segenap hatimu, jiwa Anda, Andakekuatan dan dengan segenap akal budimu, dan Kasihilah sesamamu manusia seperti dirimu sendiri "(Lukas 10:27). DapatGereja Kristen sekarang bertahan di jalan mempromosikan dan hidupjalan cinta, atau akan itu over akan dibebani oleh prasangka afiliasi, misalnya,Gereja Katolik Roma, ortodoks atau Protestantisme?Globalisasi dan imanDapatkah kapitalisme zaman modern memberikan jalan keluar dari kecanduan materialisme,orientasi menjelang memperoleh keuntungan, atau terhadap kewajiban utang yang menciptakanwarga yang berinvestasi segalanya menjadi kebanggaan, keterampilan, bakat dan pengetahuan mereka sendiri?Jawaban yang dapat diharapkan dari, dalam istilah Nietzsche, super manusia yangmenganggap dirinya seorang dewa?Veselin Drašković Serikat (2007:259), globalisasi mewakili "sejarah,realistis, ditemukan melawan, tidak merata, tak terbendung dan ireversibel proses "yang,melalui manifestasinya, perubahan hubungan internasional, ekonomi, dan lainnyake arah peningkatan integrasi.Dengan kejatuhan sosialisme, khususnya di akhir abad ke-20, dan denganperkembangan kapitalisme di negara-negara yang sebelumnya Sosialis yang didasarkan,
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
2009 14.3 4.9 5.1 3.35 2.18
2010 14.8 5.4 5.3 3.33 2.22
Source: Bloomberg, 2010, posted in Jutarnji list, August 17, 2010.
Therefore, can it be that while thinking about postmodern times, it is possible to
consider the role and place of the Christian church and the spreading of the good
news, and whether the church can serve people, especially those who are vulnerable
in various ways, and that through works of charity in tangible practice, the
church can show the world how to “love your neighbor as yourself ”?
In his book, Confused God, Thomas Ruster, a theologian from Dortmund, asserts
that Christianity was perceiving and experiencing itself as a religion which
was able to mediate the relationship with ultimate reality, not only to individuals
but also to the society as a whole, but in the present day, that is no longer the case
because capitalism has overtaken Christianity in mediating the relationship with
ultimate reality, with what is determining and shaping our lives.
Ruster concludes that capitalism is a modern religion and that if Christianity
wants to remain faithful to God, of whom the Holy Scriptures testify, and which
can not be identified with the ultimate reality, should, as soon as possible, terminate
the relationship, that is, enter “dissolution” with capitalism as a modern
religion, and that theology has the task of conceiving possible ways to ultimately
achieve this dissolution. To achieve this, it is necessary, according to Ruster, to
re-analyze the salvific and the redemptive understanding of Christianity that has
KAIROS - Evangelical Journal of Theology / Vol. IV. No. 2 (2010), pp. 223-236
lost its relevance and is unable to mediate the experience that the God of whom
the Bible testifies is the one who brings salvation.
In the Bible, the words of Jesus Christ that speak about the way to eternal
life are written: “... Love the Lord your God with all your heart, your soul, your
strength and with all thy mind, and your neighbor as yourself ” (Luke 10:27). Can
the present-day Christian church persevere on the path of promoting and living
the way of love, or will it be over-burdened by prejudices of affiliation to, for example,
Roman Catholicism, Orthodoxy, or Protestantism?
Globalization and Faith
Can modern-day capitalism provide a way out of the addiction to materialism,
the orientation towards obtaining profits, or towards debt obligations which creates
citizens who invest everything into their own pride, skills, talents and knowledge?
Can an answer be expected from, in Nietzsche’s terms, a super-man who
considers himself a deity?
As Veselin Drašković states (2007:259), globalization represents “a historical,
realistic, contradictory, uneven, unstoppable and irreversible process” which,
through its manifestation, changes the international, economic, and other relations
in the direction of increased integration.
With the fall of socialism, particularly in the late 20th century, and with
the development of capitalism in formerly socialist countries which was based,
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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