public property. The fundamental error of socialism was anthropologica terjemahan - public property. The fundamental error of socialism was anthropologica Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

public property. The fundamental er

public property. The fundamental error of socialism was anthropological in character
because it did not recognize the natural right of private property, nor of free
enterprise and entrepreneurship, but perceived each person as a simple element
and “one molecule of the social organism ...” (CA 13).
This confirms that capitalism did not uphold the value of humanity because
it confounded people with demands for profits, capital and the reckless freedom
of commerce and businesses, while Communism generated totalitarian authority
and mechanisms for absolute control.
KAIROS - Evangelical Journal of Theology / Vol. IV. No. 2 (2010), pp. 223-236
While under socialism/communism, some initiatives were often proclaimed
dangerous, especially if the ruling party did not have superiority and control,
because everything had to go through the party; in capitalism, the leaders had
capital, although there were efforts to constitute political and multi-party democracy,
the existence of different ideas was implied. Such conditions facilitate
the phenomenon of “the necessity of victory” which, in itself, includes a race for
money. On the other hand, over time, there were gradual efforts in capitalism,
under pressure from the trade union movement, to solve worker and social issues,
while these issues were addressed in socialism according to the dictates of
state and party prerogatives.
Some authors emphasize 5 that the continued growth of international trade
activities was facilitated by a number of causes, among which the most important
- Growth of the global economy – which resulted in the creation of large
market opportunities that encourage businesses to attempt global expansion
while, on the other hand, international economic organizations and
integrations accelerated global integration and the processes of international
- Juridical assurance 6 – which in most countries of the world allows the development
of international trade without significant uncertainties;
- The benefits of the activities of international companies (experience transfer,
scale economies, global access to resources, handling of the global concepts
of international marketing);
- Product development costs related to research and development investments
– which are essential prerequisites for survival and development on
the market. As a consequence, the local producers, being in a disadvantaged
position in relation to international companies, are integrating into
large associations to survive on the market;
- Quality represents a continuous investment in the quality of the product –
which is necessary for any competitive enterprise, and uniformity of global
products can significantly reduce costs in all business functions;
- Development of telecommunications and transport – which causes physical
distance and time differences to lose importance, reducing the average
cost of the distribution of products;
5 See J. Previšić and Đ. Ozretić-Došen, Međunarodni marketing, Masmedia, Zagreb, 1999, 59-
6 The phrase, juridical assurance, includes the consideration of systems of registered trademarks
and patents, protection of intellectual property and other forms of property and protected rights,
the system of protecting foreign investors through bilateral and multilateral agreements, etc.
R. Bogešić: Christianity between Capitalism and Socialism
- Technology that refers to the globalization of media, mobility of consumers,
the possibility of electronic and catalogue purchasing, payment cards
that allow international companies to promote their products and services
regionally and globally, and the standardization of consumers tastes (Consumers
show similarities in their tastes and behaviors, and in the 21st century,
even further development of the homogenization of consumer tastes
and global merchandising is to be expected.).
The latest Bloomberg research shows that the traditional conception of socialist
and capitalist countries is losing plausibility because, under the influence of
globalization, one so-called socialist country, China, could surpass a capitalist
country, the USA, and become the largest global economy by the year 2027. This
hypothesis is further confirmed by the following information.
The economic power of the world’s most powerful countries (GDP, in billions of USD)
Year /
Country USA China Japan Germany Great
Dari: -
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
properti umum. Kesalahan mendasar dari sosialisme adalah antropologi dalam karakterkarena itu tidak mengenali alam hak milik pribadi, atau gratisusaha dan kewirausahaan, tetapi dianggap setiap orang sebagai elemen sederhanadan "satu molekul organisme sosial..." (CA 13).Ini menegaskan bahwa kapitalisme tidak menegakkan nilai kemanusiaan karenaini bingung orang dengan tuntutan untuk keuntungan, modal dan sembrono kebebasanperdagangan dan bisnis, sementara komunisme dihasilkan totaliter kekuasaandan mekanisme untuk kontrol mutlak.226KAIROS-Injili jurnal teologi/vol. IV. No. 2 (2010), pp. 223-236Sementara di bawah sosialisme/komunisme, beberapa inisiatif sering dinyatakanberbahaya, terutama jika partai yang berkuasa tidak memiliki keunggulan dan kontrol,karena segala sesuatu harus pergi melalui Partai; dalam kapitalisme, para pemimpin telahmodal, walaupun ada upaya untuk membentuk demokrasi multi partai dan politik,keberadaan ide-ide berbeda tersirat. Kondisi seperti memfasilitasifenomena "perlunya kemenangan" yang, dalam dirinya sendiri, meliputi perlombaan untukuang. Di sisi lain, dari waktu ke waktu, ada upaya bertahap dalam kapitalisme,di bawah tekanan dari gerakan buruh, untuk memecahkan pekerja dan isu-isu sosial,Sementara masalah ini telah dibahas dalam sosialisme Menurut catatanprerogatif negara dan partai.Beberapa penulis de-menekankan 5 bahwa pertumbuhan perdagangan internasionalkegiatan ini difasilitasi oleh sejumlah penyebab, antara yang paling pentingtermasuk:-Pertumbuhan ekonomi global – yang akan menghasilkan penciptaan besarpeluang pasar yang mendorong bisnis usaha perluasan globalSementara, di sisi lain, organisasi ekonomi internasional danintegrasi global integrasi dan mempercepat proses internasionalperdagangan;-Yuridis jaminan 6-yang di sebagian besar negara di dunia memungkinkan pengembanganperdagangan internasional tanpa ketidakpastian yang signifikan;-Keuntungan dari kegiatan perusahaan-perusahaan internasional (mengalami transfer,skala ekonomi, global akses ke sumber daya, menangani konsep globalPemasaran Internasional);-Biaya pengembangan produk yang berkaitan dengan penelitian dan pengembangan investasi– yang merupakan prasyarat penting untuk kelangsungan hidup dan pengembangan padapasar. Sebagai akibatnya, produsen lokal, berada di yang kurang beruntungposisi dalam kaitannya dengan perusahaan-perusahaan internasional, mengintegrasikan ke dalambesar Asosiasi untuk bertahan hidup di pasar;-Kualitas mewakili investasi yang berkelanjutan dalam kualitas produk-yang diperlukan untuk setiap perusahaan yang bersaing, dan keseragaman globalProduk dapat secara signifikan mengurangi biaya dalam semua fungsi bisnis;-Pengembangan telekomunikasi dan transportasi-yang menyebabkan fisikjarak dan waktu perbedaan kehilangan kepentingan, mengurangi rata-ratabiaya distribusi produk;5 Lihat j. Previšić dan Đ. Ozretić-Došen, Međunarodni pemasaran, Masmedia, Zagreb, 1999, 59 -64.6 kata, yuridis jaminan, termasuk pertimbangan sistem merek dagang terdaftardan paten, perlindungan kekayaan intelektual dan bentuk lain dari properti dan hak-hak dilindungi,sistem untuk melindungi investor melalui perjanjian multilateral dan bilateral, dll.227R. Bogešić: Kekristenan antara kapitalisme dan sosialisme-Teknologi yang mengacu pada globalisasi media, mobilitas konsumen,kemungkinan pembayaran elektronik dan pembelian, kartu Katalogyang memungkinkan perusahaan-perusahaan internasional untuk mempromosikan produk dan layanan merekaregional dan global, dan standardisasi selera konsumen (konsumenmenunjukkan kesamaan dalam selera dan perilaku mereka, dan dalam abad ke-21,berkembang homogenisasi selera konsumendan global merchandising diharapkan.).Bloomberg penelitian terbaru menunjukkan bahwa konsepsi tradisional sosialisdan negara-negara kapitalis adalah kehilangan masuk akal karena, di bawah pengaruhglobalisasi, satu negara sosialis disebut, Cina, bisa melampaui kapitalisnegara, Amerika Serikat, dan menjadi ekonomi global terbesar pada tahun 2027. Inihipotesis lebih lanjut ditegaskan oleh informasi berikut.Kekuatan ekonomi negara paling kuat di dunia (PDB, dalam miliaran USD)Tahun /Negara Amerika Serikat Jepang Jerman China besar
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
public property. The fundamental error of socialism was anthropological in character
because it did not recognize the natural right of private property, nor of free
enterprise and entrepreneurship, but perceived each person as a simple element
and “one molecule of the social organism ...” (CA 13).
This confirms that capitalism did not uphold the value of humanity because
it confounded people with demands for profits, capital and the reckless freedom
of commerce and businesses, while Communism generated totalitarian authority
and mechanisms for absolute control.
KAIROS - Evangelical Journal of Theology / Vol. IV. No. 2 (2010), pp. 223-236
While under socialism/communism, some initiatives were often proclaimed
dangerous, especially if the ruling party did not have superiority and control,
because everything had to go through the party; in capitalism, the leaders had
capital, although there were efforts to constitute political and multi-party democracy,
the existence of different ideas was implied. Such conditions facilitate
the phenomenon of “the necessity of victory” which, in itself, includes a race for
money. On the other hand, over time, there were gradual efforts in capitalism,
under pressure from the trade union movement, to solve worker and social issues,
while these issues were addressed in socialism according to the dictates of
state and party prerogatives.
Some authors emphasize 5 that the continued growth of international trade
activities was facilitated by a number of causes, among which the most important
- Growth of the global economy – which resulted in the creation of large
market opportunities that encourage businesses to attempt global expansion
while, on the other hand, international economic organizations and
integrations accelerated global integration and the processes of international
- Juridical assurance 6 – which in most countries of the world allows the development
of international trade without significant uncertainties;
- The benefits of the activities of international companies (experience transfer,
scale economies, global access to resources, handling of the global concepts
of international marketing);
- Product development costs related to research and development investments
– which are essential prerequisites for survival and development on
the market. As a consequence, the local producers, being in a disadvantaged
position in relation to international companies, are integrating into
large associations to survive on the market;
- Quality represents a continuous investment in the quality of the product –
which is necessary for any competitive enterprise, and uniformity of global
products can significantly reduce costs in all business functions;
- Development of telecommunications and transport – which causes physical
distance and time differences to lose importance, reducing the average
cost of the distribution of products;
5 See J. Previšić and Đ. Ozretić-Došen, Međunarodni marketing, Masmedia, Zagreb, 1999, 59-
6 The phrase, juridical assurance, includes the consideration of systems of registered trademarks
and patents, protection of intellectual property and other forms of property and protected rights,
the system of protecting foreign investors through bilateral and multilateral agreements, etc.
R. Bogešić: Christianity between Capitalism and Socialism
- Technology that refers to the globalization of media, mobility of consumers,
the possibility of electronic and catalogue purchasing, payment cards
that allow international companies to promote their products and services
regionally and globally, and the standardization of consumers tastes (Consumers
show similarities in their tastes and behaviors, and in the 21st century,
even further development of the homogenization of consumer tastes
and global merchandising is to be expected.).
The latest Bloomberg research shows that the traditional conception of socialist
and capitalist countries is losing plausibility because, under the influence of
globalization, one so-called socialist country, China, could surpass a capitalist
country, the USA, and become the largest global economy by the year 2027. This
hypothesis is further confirmed by the following information.
The economic power of the world’s most powerful countries (GDP, in billions of USD)
Year /
Country USA China Japan Germany Great
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