as socialism and capitalism,had or still have, and what standing the C terjemahan - as socialism and capitalism,had or still have, and what standing the C Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

as socialism and capitalism,had or

as socialism and capitalism,
had or still have, and what standing the Christian church has, or should have
within them. Special emphasis will be given to so-called “Liberation theology”
which appeared in the 1960’s, particularly in the South American region, where
it was considered to be a form of Christian socialism.
The development of these two systems, especially in the 20th century, has
shown that neither capitalism nor socialism can support humanity because in the
former a person’s worth is subject to their profit, and in the latter, under the guise
of equality, various means of totalitarianism and control are conducted from one
center. In this article, special emphasis is placed on the relationship between the
Christian church and ethics, especially business ethics, specifically regarding the
role of the church in these systems.
Christianity offers a simple way, as it is written in the Bible, “For God so loved
the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not
perish but have everlasting life” (John 6:13). 4
The church is facing the challenge that in her actions she would expose so-
3 As part of “The Christian Culture Days” seminar held on March 30, 2010, a debate entitled
“Crisis - Economic or Moral”, was attended by Catholic intellectual, Dr. Neven Simac, and an
expert financial consultant and entrepreneur of 2006, Dragan Munjiza, and Mario Raguž, the
program director for religious programs at the event, moderated the debate.
4 The biblical texts that are used in the Croatian version are taken from a Bible published by the
Croatian Bible Society, Zagreb, 2006.
R. Bogešić: Christianity between Capitalism and Socialism
ciety to a sharp critique of the relationship between the one, true God and idols
because of the danger of falling into excessive identification with the idols of
modern society, along with explaining and coming to the compromise that society
is speaking of the same God when speaking about religious experiences and
social values, and identifying themselves by, for example, national or political
The Crisis - The Rise or Fall of Christianity
Some authors (Walter Benjamin) point out that capitalism has become a modern
“mental illness” which artificially creates the problem of poverty and limited
resources, and which results in a state of constant competition. In such a system,
all of a person’s strength and abilities are directed towards his/her own pride and
the accomplishment of his/her own goals and interests. In today’s modern world,
capitalism has become a religion. Money has become the symbol of worship,
while the religious God and faith are limited to the inside of the church walls and
specific religious holidays.
The fact is that in spite of some historically positive impacts capitalism has
had on modern society, industry and production development and modern
enterprise development do not provide a way out of the newly-emerged crisis.
Upon the collapse of socialism, capitalism is facing a great temptation – to
respond to the challenges that came with the crisis in a way which is not based
only on amassing capital, or a new, third system will be constructed that is a cross
between capitalism and socialism whose content will be both a social and commercial
As stated in the encyclical Centesimus Annus - while reflecting on the theme,
“The Crisis of Marxism” - it is noted that after Marxism, there was a need to reexamine
society, the economy and the world order because in real socialism, the
value of a person was not abolished, but the confidence and trust in him/her and
his/her freedom were missing. The so-called “Socialist morality” was nothing
more than obedience to the party as to an ideal higher goal, and with complete
compliance, the only challenge was to skillfully prosper with the resources of
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
sosialisme dan kapitalisme,telah atau masih memiliki, dan apa berdiri Gereja Kristen telah, atau harusdalam diri mereka. De-emphasis khusus akan diberikan kepada apa yang disebut "teologi pembebasan"yang muncul di 1960 's, terutama di wilayah Amerika Selatan, dimanaini dianggap sebagai bentuk sosialisme Kristen.Pengembangan kedua-dua sistem, terutama di abad ke-20, telahditunjukkan bahwa kapitalisme maupun sosialisme dapat mendukung kemanusiaan karena dimantan senilai seseorang adalah berdasarkan keuntungan mereka, dan pada yang kedua, di bawah kedokkesetaraan, berbagai sarana totalitarianisme dan kontrol adalah # dilakukan dari satuPusat. Dalam artikel ini, de-emphasis khusus ditempatkan pada hubungan antaraGereja Kristen dan etika, terutama etika bisnis, khusus mengenaiperan Gereja dalam sistem ini.Kekeristenan menawarkan cara yang sederhana, seperti yang tertulis dalam Alkitab, "karena Allah begitu mengasihidunia sehingga ia telah mengaruniakan anaknya, supaya setiap orang yang percaya kepadaNya tidak akanbinasa, melainkan beroleh hidup yang kekal "(Yohanes 6:13). 4Gereja menghadapi tantangan bahwa dalam tindakannya dia akan mengekspos begitu-3 bagian dari The Kristen budaya Days "seminar dilaksanakan pada tanggal 30 Maret 2010, perdebatan berjudul"Keuangan dan krisis ekonomi-ekonomi atau Moral", ini dihadiri oleh Katolik intelektual, Dr. Neven Simac, dankonsultan ahli keuangan dan pengusaha 2006, Dragan Munjiza, dan Mario Raguž,Direktur program untuk agama program di acara, moderator debat.4 teks-teks Alkitab yang digunakan dalam versi Croatian diambil dari Alkitab yang diterbitkan olehKroasia Bible Society, Zagreb, 2006.225R. Bogešić: Kekristenan antara kapitalisme dan sosialismeciety untuk kritik tajam dari hubungan antara satu, benar Allah dan berhalakarena bahaya jatuh ke dalam berlebihan identifikasi dengan berhala-berhalamasyarakat modern, menjelaskan dan datang ke kompromi masyarakatberbicara mengenai Allah yang sama ketika berbicara tentang pengalaman keagamaan dannilai-nilai sosial, dan mengidentifikasi diri mereka sendiri, untuk contoh, nasional atau politikafiliasi.Krisis-The naik atau kejatuhan KekristiananBeberapa penulis (Walter Benjamin) menunjukkan bahwa kapitalisme telah menjadi modern"penyakit mental" yang artifisial menciptakan masalah kemiskinan dan terbatassumber daya, dan yang menghasilkan keadaan konstanta kompetisi. Dalam sistem seperti ini,Semua kekuatan dan kemampuan seseorang diarahkan kebanggaan mereka sendiri danpencapaian tujuan sendiri dan kepentingan mereka. Dalam dunia modern saat ini,kapitalisme telah menjadi agama. Uang telah menjadi simbol ibadah,Sementara agama Allah dan iman yang terbatas dalam tembok gereja danhari libur keagamaan tertentu.Faktanya adalah bahwa meskipun beberapa dampak positif kapitalisme historis memilikipada pembangunan masyarakat, dan produksi industri modern dan modernpengembangan usaha tidak memberikan jalan keluar dari baru-krisis muncul.Setelah runtuhnya sosialisme, kapitalisme menghadapi godaan besar-untukmenanggapi tantangan yang datang dengan krisis dengan cara yang tidak didasarkanhanya pada mengumpulkan modal, atau baru, sistem ketiga akan dibangun yang salibantara kapitalisme dan sosialisme konten yang akan sosial maupun komersialekonomi.Sebagaimana dinyatakan dalam Centesimus Annus ensiklik-sambil merenungkan tema,"Krisis Marxisme"-perlu dicatat bahwa setelah Marxisme, ada kebutuhan untuk menilaimasyarakat, perekonomian dan dunia memesan karena di nyata sosialisme,nilai orang ini tidak dihapus, tapi keyakinan dan kepercayaan pada dirinya dankebebasan nya yang hilang. Disebut "sosialis moralitas" adalebih dari ketaatan kepada pihak tujuan ideal yang lebih tinggi, dan dengan lengkapkepatuhan, satu-satunya tantangan adalah terampil untuk prosper dengan sumber daya
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
as socialism and capitalism,
had or still have, and what standing the Christian church has, or should have
within them. Special emphasis will be given to so-called “Liberation theology”
which appeared in the 1960’s, particularly in the South American region, where
it was considered to be a form of Christian socialism.
The development of these two systems, especially in the 20th century, has
shown that neither capitalism nor socialism can support humanity because in the
former a person’s worth is subject to their profit, and in the latter, under the guise
of equality, various means of totalitarianism and control are conducted from one
center. In this article, special emphasis is placed on the relationship between the
Christian church and ethics, especially business ethics, specifically regarding the
role of the church in these systems.
Christianity offers a simple way, as it is written in the Bible, “For God so loved
the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not
perish but have everlasting life” (John 6:13). 4
The church is facing the challenge that in her actions she would expose so-
3 As part of “The Christian Culture Days” seminar held on March 30, 2010, a debate entitled
“Crisis - Economic or Moral”, was attended by Catholic intellectual, Dr. Neven Simac, and an
expert financial consultant and entrepreneur of 2006, Dragan Munjiza, and Mario Raguž, the
program director for religious programs at the event, moderated the debate.
4 The biblical texts that are used in the Croatian version are taken from a Bible published by the
Croatian Bible Society, Zagreb, 2006.
R. Bogešić: Christianity between Capitalism and Socialism
ciety to a sharp critique of the relationship between the one, true God and idols
because of the danger of falling into excessive identification with the idols of
modern society, along with explaining and coming to the compromise that society
is speaking of the same God when speaking about religious experiences and
social values, and identifying themselves by, for example, national or political
The Crisis - The Rise or Fall of Christianity
Some authors (Walter Benjamin) point out that capitalism has become a modern
“mental illness” which artificially creates the problem of poverty and limited
resources, and which results in a state of constant competition. In such a system,
all of a person’s strength and abilities are directed towards his/her own pride and
the accomplishment of his/her own goals and interests. In today’s modern world,
capitalism has become a religion. Money has become the symbol of worship,
while the religious God and faith are limited to the inside of the church walls and
specific religious holidays.
The fact is that in spite of some historically positive impacts capitalism has
had on modern society, industry and production development and modern
enterprise development do not provide a way out of the newly-emerged crisis.
Upon the collapse of socialism, capitalism is facing a great temptation – to
respond to the challenges that came with the crisis in a way which is not based
only on amassing capital, or a new, third system will be constructed that is a cross
between capitalism and socialism whose content will be both a social and commercial
As stated in the encyclical Centesimus Annus - while reflecting on the theme,
“The Crisis of Marxism” - it is noted that after Marxism, there was a need to reexamine
society, the economy and the world order because in real socialism, the
value of a person was not abolished, but the confidence and trust in him/her and
his/her freedom were missing. The so-called “Socialist morality” was nothing
more than obedience to the party as to an ideal higher goal, and with complete
compliance, the only challenge was to skillfully prosper with the resources of
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