100:00:00,000 --> 00:00:10,000http://sandi/200:00:34,660 --> 00:00:35, terjemahan - 100:00:00,000 --> 00:00:10,000http://sandi/200:00:34,660 --> 00:00:35, Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

100:00:00,000 --> 00:00:10,000http:

00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:10,000

00:00:34,660 --> 00:00:35,490
Vamos nessa!

00:00:36,370 --> 00:00:37,740
Pelo bem do Amor

00:00:38,700 --> 00:00:40,330
e da Justiça na Terra!

00:00:41,370 --> 00:00:44,540
Com toda a nossa vida e alma!

00:00:45,250 --> 00:00:46,920
Queime agora,

00:00:47,580 --> 00:00:49,590
nosso Cosmo dourado!

00:00:58,930 --> 00:01:03,390
Para gerar no nosso mundo de
escuridão... um raio de luz!

00:02:35,570 --> 00:02:37,380
Bêbado a essa hora?

00:02:44,990 --> 00:02:46,850
Ei, você está bem?

00:02:47,960 --> 00:02:49,870
É, não há o que fazer.

00:02:55,550 --> 00:02:59,510
Reviva, Lenda Dourada!

00:03:01,050 --> 00:03:04,400
Por favor! Eu imploro a ajuda de vocês!

00:03:04,400 --> 00:03:09,210
Vindo de você, que serviu a
Srta. Hilda no Palácio de Valhalla,

00:03:09,210 --> 00:03:11,550
é claro que gostaríamos de acreditar.

00:03:11,550 --> 00:03:15,790
Mesmo que você esteja dizendo a
verdade, o que podemos fazer?

00:03:16,400 --> 00:03:18,550
Lutem ao meu lado.

00:03:18,550 --> 00:03:23,060
Contra soldados? Acha que
isso seria possível?

00:03:23,060 --> 00:03:27,240
Mas se continuarmos sem
fazer nada, Asgard vai...

00:03:28,410 --> 00:03:29,180
Ela está aqui!

00:03:32,880 --> 00:03:35,190
O que vocês vão fazer? Me soltem!

00:03:36,630 --> 00:03:40,130
Fique quieta aí, você só atrapalha!

00:03:40,130 --> 00:03:41,930
Não nos dê trabalho.

00:03:42,470 --> 00:03:45,330
Ouçam, vocês foram enganados!

00:03:46,470 --> 00:03:48,930
Como se eu fosse dar
ouvidos a uma procurada.

00:03:49,640 --> 00:03:53,060
Vocês não conseguem ouvir? Não
ouvem a voz da nossa Terra?

00:03:53,060 --> 00:03:56,260
Nesse ritmo, Asgard será destruída!

00:04:02,490 --> 00:04:05,140
Você disse... Asgard?

00:04:06,310 --> 00:04:07,810
Q-Quem está aí?

00:04:09,330 --> 00:04:13,230
E-Eu estou... em Asgard?

00:04:14,040 --> 00:04:15,650
Quem é você?

00:04:18,000 --> 00:04:21,150
Você não é de Asgard?

00:04:24,130 --> 00:04:25,490
V-Você está bem?

00:04:26,970 --> 00:04:29,240
É mesmo... Eu...

00:04:31,270 --> 00:04:33,810
Nós destruímos o
Muro das Lamentações.

00:04:36,520 --> 00:04:38,070
Naquele momento...

00:04:38,570 --> 00:04:41,360
Junto com todos os
outros Cavaleiros de Ouro...

00:04:44,660 --> 00:04:46,340
Ei... O que você...

00:04:47,450 --> 00:04:48,300
Preciso ir.

00:04:48,780 --> 00:04:50,430
Ir para onde?

00:05:18,730 --> 00:05:19,710

00:05:21,280 --> 00:05:23,680
Saiam do meu caminho, homens de Asgard.

00:05:24,360 --> 00:05:26,880
Não tenho o intuito
de lutar contra vocês.

00:05:26,880 --> 00:05:29,640
Então nós o forçaremos a lutar!

00:05:39,960 --> 00:05:41,820
Esses punhos que cortam o céu...

00:05:42,440 --> 00:05:44,800
E esses chutes que racham a terra.

00:05:48,720 --> 00:05:53,490
Dizem que eles só aparecem quando o
mal se espalha por este mundo...

00:05:58,440 --> 00:06:00,580
Mas esse homem... Não pode ser!

00:06:01,400 --> 00:06:05,460
Ele é um Cavaleiro de Ouro de Atena?

00:06:15,450 --> 00:06:18,620
O Grande... Eclipse...

00:06:20,420 --> 00:06:23,440
Há quanto tempo o Sol está assim?

00:06:23,880 --> 00:06:25,960
Há cerca de uma semana.

00:06:28,050 --> 00:06:30,300
Preciso correr para o Santuário.

00:06:30,300 --> 00:06:31,300

00:06:32,180 --> 00:06:34,870
Você deve ser um
Cavaleiro de Atena, não?

00:06:36,770 --> 00:06:38,440
Eu sou Lyfia.

00:06:38,440 --> 00:06:41,630
Por favor, lute ao meu lado!

00:06:53,740 --> 00:06:55,810
Até quando vai me seguir?

00:06:56,160 --> 00:06:58,270
Até que ouça o que tenho a dizer.

00:06:58,960 --> 00:07:03,520
Já ouvi tantas vezes, mas
minha resposta continua a mesma.

00:07:03,520 --> 00:07:05,020
Por quê?

00:07:05,020 --> 00:07:06,880
Com o seu poder...

00:07:06,880 --> 00:07:11,550
Como Cavaleiro de Ouro de
Atena, você pode salvar Asgard.

00:07:11,550 --> 00:07:14,480
Agora não é hora para eu,
um Cavaleiro de Ouro de Atena,

00:07:14,480 --> 00:07:16,990
se envolver com os problemas de Asgard.

00:07:16,990 --> 00:07:19,820
O que eu pensei quando
vi você lutando mais cedo...

00:07:20,230 --> 00:07:26,380
É que só pode ser você o salvador
que nosso deus Odin mandou para salvar Asgard.

00:07:27,320 --> 00:07:31,130
Quer dizer que Odin
me trouxe para Asgard?

00:07:31,450 --> 00:07:32,310

00:07:32,970 --> 00:07:35,370
Foi só o que eu senti.

00:07:35,370 --> 00:07:40,580
Uma mera dama do Palácio Valhalla
não conhece a vontade de um deus...

00:07:40,960 --> 00:07:41,950

00:07:51,010 --> 00:07:52,430
Desculpem a demora.

00:08:04,770 --> 00:08:07,770
É que... E-Eu não
comi nada desde ontem.

00:08:07,770 --> 00:08:10,650
N-Não, eu tenho dinheiro!

00:08:11,150 --> 00:08:15,510
É que passei o tempo todo
sendo perseguida pelos soldados.

00:08:16,830 --> 00:08:22,400
São soldados os Guerreiros Deuses
que já lutaram contra nós?

00:08:23,040 --> 00:08:25,270
Não foi o que me pareceu.

00:08:25,270 --> 00:08:29,150
Não, eles são apenas
soldados de baixa patente.

00:08:29,150 --> 00:08:33,320
Apenas alguns poucos selecionados
podem se tornar Guerreiros Deuses.

00:08:35,260 --> 00:08:36,160
Senhor Drodi!

00:08:36,390 --> 00:08:39,060
Incapazes de capturar uma única mulher

00:08:39,460 --> 00:08:42,620
e derrotados por um estrangeiro...

00:08:42,980 --> 00:08:44,210
Que ridículo.

00:08:44,210 --> 00:08:47,770
Mas, senhor, ele não era um homem comum!

00:08:48,940 --> 00:08:52,550
Talvez ele seja um
Cavaleiro de Ouro de Atena.

00:08:52,860 --> 00:08:54,400
Um Cavaleiro de Ouro?

00:08:55,360 --> 00:08:57,680
Avisem nosso Senhor
Andreas imediatamente.

00:08:57,680 --> 00:08:58,310

00:08:59,950 --> 00:09:01,290

00:09:01,790 --> 00:09:03,460
Andreas Lise?

00:09:03,460 --> 00:09:08,620
Sim, o representante do
deus Odin nesta nação.

00:09:08,620 --> 00:09:12,880
Então foi Andreas que
me trouxe para Asgard?

00:09:12,880 --> 00:09:13,440

00:09:14,080 --> 00:09:17,910
O que ele está fazendo não
é a vontade do deus Odin.

00:09:29,230 --> 00:09:30,440
Srta. Hilda!

00:09:31,820 --> 00:09:34,320
Aguente firme, Srta. Hilda!

00:09:34,820 --> 00:09:40,010
A Srta. Hilda, a representante de Odin
na Terra, ficou doente de forma repentina.

00:09:40,660 --> 00:09:45,790
Então Andreas Lise
veio para substituí-la.

00:09:48,000 --> 00:09:53,860
Ele recriou a grande árvore
Yggdrasil, o que é proibido nesta Terra.

00:09:55,670 --> 00:09:58,340
Quando Yggdrasil der frutos,

00:09:59,300 --> 00:10:01,870
Asgard será abençoada
com o verde da terra

00:10:02,660 --> 00:10:05,580
e com o transbordar de luz dos céus.

00:10:05,580 --> 00:10:10,310
Será decretado o fim do rigoroso
inverno que há tanto nos atormenta.

00:10:12,570 --> 00:10:14,800
Ele está enganando o
povo com belas palavras.

00:10:15,280 --> 00:10:16,090
Além disso...

00:10:18,070 --> 00:10:23,390
Ele trama para assumir o controle de
Asgard com seus sete Guerreiros Deuses.

00:10:24,080 --> 00:10:27,510
A Yggdrasil deve ser destruída logo

00:10:27,510 --> 00:10:30,500
ou Asgard será deixada à
mercê de um grande desastre!

00:10:31,460 --> 00:10:34,970
Por favor, Aiolia, lute ao meu lado.

00:10:34,970 --> 00:10:37,640
E derrote Andreas!

00:10:38,470 --> 00:10:44,930
Nós, os Cavaleiros de Ouro, estamos
lutando contra Hades no submundo.

00:10:45,390 --> 00:10:49,830
E eu... morri no curso dessa luta.

00:10:51,100 --> 00:10:53,020
Eu ainda me lembro.

00:10:53,730 --> 00:10:58,900
Do momento que eu pereci quando destruímos
o Muro das Lamentações no submundo.

00:10:58,970 --> 00:11:01,060
Mas você continua...

00:11:01,510 --> 00:11:07,370
Ah... O impacto do meu punho em
uma luta e o gosto dessa comida...

00:11:07,830 --> 00:11:08,980
Eles são reais.

00:11:09,790 --> 00:11:13,380
Esse corpo, sem dúvidas,
é de carne e osso.

00:11:15,590 --> 00:11:18,130
Por que eu fui trazido de volta à vida?

00:11:18,620 --> 00:11:20,620
E por que Asgard?

00:11:21,470 --> 00:11:24,100
Essa é a vontade de Odin?

00:11:24,640 --> 00:11:29,830
E se for, o que Odin planeja comigo?

00:11:30,230 --> 00:11:31,460

00:11:33,060 --> 00:11:34,920
Só uma coisa está clara.

00:11:35,650 --> 00:11:42,300
Enquanto eu tiver este corpo, preciso
lutar como um Cavaleiro de Ouro de Atena.

00:11:42,740 --> 00:11:47,350
Entendo, já tem uma luta
para chamar de sua.

00:11:47,950 --> 00:11:49,860
Por que você luta?

00:11:50,310 --> 00:11:53,250
Por que se coloca em perigo sozinha?

00:11:54,040 --> 00:11:55,090
Naquele dia,

00:11:56,090 --> 00:11:58,670
Srta. Hilda me contou uma coisa...

00:11:59,260 --> 00:12:03,950
Destrua Yggdrasil e acabe com
a ambição de Andreas...

00:12:04,220 --> 00:12:06,440
Então passe adiante...

00:12:06,930 --> 00:12:11,160
Passe adiante essa bela terra de
Asgard para as gerações futuras.

00:12:12,060 --> 00:12:14,710
Passar Asgard para as gerações futuras?

00:12:15,610 --> 00:12:20,880
Lyfia, isso é uma coisa
que apenas você pode fazer.

00:12:22,200 --> 00:12:25,330
Não sei por que eu, mas...

00:12:26,000 --> 00:12:31,060
Eu confio nas palavras da Srta.
Hilda, que acolheu uma órfã como eu.

00:12:33,580 --> 00:12:35,820
Desculpe ter atrapalhado sua jornada.

00:12:35,820 --> 00:12:39,020
Espero que aproveite sua nova vida.

00:13:09,990 --> 00:13:13,820
Andreas está enganando o
povo com belas palavras.

00:13:14,750 --> 00:13:19,090
Além disso, ele trama para
assumir o controle de Asgard...

00:13:21,840 --> 00:13:25,460
Por favor, Aiolia, lute ao meu lado.

Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
100:00--> 00:00:10 .000 .000http://sandi/200:00:34--> 00:00:35 .490 .660Let's go!300:00:36--> 00:00:37 .740 .370For the sake of love400:00:38-> 00:00:40-.700 .330and justice in the Earth.500:00:41-> 00:00:44-.540 .370With all our life and soul.600:00:45-> 00:00:46-.920 .250Burn now700:00:47-.580-00:00:49 > .590our Cosmos Gold!800:00:58--> 00:01:03 .930 .390To generate in our world darkness ... a ray of light!900:02:35 .570--> 00:02:37 .380Drunk at this time?1000:02:44-> 00:02:46-.850 .990Hey, are you okay?1100:02:47-> 00:02:49-.960 .870There is no what to do.1200:02:55--> 00:02:59 .550 .510Relive, Golden Legend!1300:03:01-> 00:03:04-.400 .050Please! I beg help!1400:03:04-> 00:03:09-.400 .210Coming from you, that served the Miss Hilda in the Palace of Valhalla,1500:03:09--> 00:03:11 .550 .210of course we would like to believe.1600:03:11--> 00:03:15 .790 .550Even if you are telling the true, what can we do?1700:03:16-> 00:03:18-.400 .550Fight by my side.1800:03:18--> 00:03:23 .550 .060Against soldiers? Think that would be possible?1900:03:23--> 00:03:27 .240 .060But if we continue without do nothing, Asgard will ...2000:03:28-> 00:03:29-.180 .410She's here!2100:03:32--> 00:03:35 .880 .190What will you do? Let me go!2200:03:36 .630--> .130 00:03:40Be quiet there, you just gets in the way!2300:03:40--> 00:03:41 .930 .130Don't give us work.2400:03:42--> 00:03:45 .470 .330Look, you have been deceived!2500:03:46--> 00:03:48 .930 .470As if I were giving listen to a look.2600:03:49-> 00:03:53-.060 .640You can't hear? No hear the voice of our land?2700:03:53--> 00:03:56 .260 .060At this rate, Asgard will be destroyed!2800:04:02--> 00:04:05 .490 .140You said ... Asgard?2900:04:06-> 00:04:07-.310 .810Q-who's there?3000:04:09--> 00:04:13 .330 .230And I'm in Asgard?3100:04:14-> 00:04:15 .040 .650Who are you?3200:04:18--> 00:04:21 .000 .150You're not from Asgard?3300:04:24--> 00:04:25 .490 .130Y-you okay?3400:04:26--> 00:04:29 .240 .970It's really ... I ...3500:04:31--> 00:04:33 .810 .270We destroyed the Wailing wall.3600:04:36--> 00:04:38 .520 .070At that moment ...3700:04:38--.570 .360 00:04:41 >Along with all the other Golden Knights ...3800:04:44--> 00:04:46 .340 .660Hey ... What you ...3900:04:47--> 00:04:48 .450 .300I need to go.4000:04:48 .780--> 00:04:50 .430Go where?4100:05:18--> 00:05:19 .730 .710Stop!4200:05:21-> 00:05:23-.680 .280Get out of my way, men of Asgard.4300:05:24--> 00:05:26 .880 .360I don't have the intention to fight against you.4400:05:26--> 00:05:29 .880 .640Then we force the fight!4500:05:39-> 00:05:41-.960 .820These cuffs that cut the sky.4600:05:42--> 00:05:44 .440 .800And those kicks that split the Earth.47.720 00:05:48-00:05:53 > .490They say that they only appear when the evil spreads for this world ...4800:05:58-> 00:06-.580 .440But this man. Can't be!4900:06:01-> 00:06:05-.400 .460He is a Knight of Gold of Athena?5000:06:15--> 00:06:18 .450 .620The Great ... Eclipse ...5100:06:20-> 00:06:23-.420 .440How long the Sun is so?5200:06:23 .880-> 00:06:25-.960About a week ago.5300:06:28--> 00:06:30 .300 .050I need to run to the sanctuary.5400:06:30--> .300 .300 00:06:31Wait!5500:06:32-> 00:06:34-.180 .870You must be a Knight of Athena, no?5600:06:36-> 00:06:38 .440 .770I am Lyfia.5700:06:38--> 00:06:41 .440 .630Please fight by my side!5800:06:53--> 00:06:55 .740 .810How long will you follow me?5900:06:56--> 00:06:58 .270 .160Until they hear what I have to say.6000:06:58-> 00:07:03-.960 .520I've heard so many times, but My answer is still the same.6100:07:03--> 00:07:05 .520 .020Why?6200:07:05-.020-.880 00:07:06 >With his power.6300:07:06--> 00:07:11 .880 .550Knight of gold Athena, you can save Asgard.6400:07:11--> 00:07:14 .550 .480Now is not the time for me, a golden Knight of Athena,6500:07:14--> 00:07:16 .480 .990get involved with the problems of Asgard.6600:07:16--> 00:07:19 .820 .990What I thought when I saw you struggling earlier.6700:07:20--> 00:07:26 .230 .380Is that just may be you the Savior that our god Odin sent to save Asgard.6800:07:27 .320--> .130 00:07:31I mean that Odin brought me to the Asgard?6900:07:31-> 00:07:32-.310 .450Not ...7000:07:32--> 00:07:35 .970 .370That's all I feel.7100:07:35-> 00:07:40-.580 .370A lady from the Palace Valhalla don't know the will of a god.7200:07:40-> 00:07:41-.960 .950But ...73.010 00:07:51-00:07:52 > .430Sorry for the delay.7400:08:04-> 00:08:07 .770 .770Is that ... And I don't eaten anything since yesterday.7500:08:07--> 00:08:10 .650 .770N-no, I have money!7600:08:11--> 00:08:15 .510 .150Is that I spent the whole time being chased by soldiers.7700:08:16-.830-.400 00:08:22 >Are the Gods soldiers I have fought against us?7800:08:23-> 00:08:25 .040 .270It was not what it seemed.7900:08:25--> 00:08:29 .270 .150No, they are just low-ranking soldiers.8000:08:29--> 00:08:33 .320 .150Only a few selected can become Gods Warriors.8100:08:35--> 00:08:36 .260 .160Mr Drodi!8200:08:36--> 00:08:39 .390 .060Unable to capture a single woman8300:08:39--> 00:08:42 .460 .620and defeated by a foreigner.8400:08:42--> 00:08:44 .980 .210That ridiculous.8500:08:44--> 00:08:47 .210 .770But, Sir, it was not a common man!8600:08:48--> 00:08:52 .550 .940Maybe he's a Gold Knight of Athena.8700:08:52-.860-.400 00:08:54 >A Knight of gold?8800:08:55-> 00:08:57-.680 .360Let me know our Lord Andreas immediately.8900:08:57-> 00:08:58-.680 .310Yes!9000:08:59-> 00:09:01-.290 .950Interesting.9100:09:01--> 00:09:03 .790 .460Andreas Lise?9200:09:03--> 00:09:08 .460 .620Yes, the representative of the god Odin in this nation.9300:09:08--> 00:09:12 .880 .620Then was Andreas that brought me to the Asgard?9400:09:12--> 00:09:13 .440 .880Don't.9500:09:14--> 00:09:17 .080 .910What he's doing It is the will of the god Odin.9600:09:29--> 00:09:30 .440 .230Miss Hilda!9700:09:31--> 00:09:34 .820 .320Hang on, Miss Hilda!9800:09:34--> 00:09:40 .820 .010Miss Hilda, the representative of Odin on Earth, was taken ill suddenly.9900:09:40--> 00:09:45 .790 .660Then Andreas Lise came to replace it.10000:09:48-> 00:09:53-.860 .000He recreated the great tree Yggdrasil, which is forbidden on this earth.10100:09:55--> 00:09:58 .340 .670When Yggdrasil der fruits,10200:09:59--> 00:10:01 .870 .300Asgard will be blessed with the Green Earth10300:10:02-> 00:10:05-.580 .660and with the overflow of light from heaven.10400:10:05-.580-00:10:10 > .310Will be decreed the end of strict winter for so plagues us.10500:10:12 .570--> 00:10:14 .800He's cheating people with beautiful words.10600:10:15--> 00:10:16 .280 .090In addition...10700:10:18--> 00:10:23 .390 .070He plot to take control of Asgard with her seven Warriors Gods.10800:10:24--> 00:10:27 .510 .080The Yggdrasil must be destroyed right10900:10:27--> 00:10:30 .500 .510or Asgard will be left to the Thanks to a great disaster.11000:10:31--> 00:10:34 .460 .970Please, Leo Aiolia, fight by my side.11100:10:34--> 00:10:37 .970 .640And defeat Andreas!11200:10:38--> 00:10:44 .930 .470We, the Golden Knights, we fighting against Hades in the underworld.11300:10:45-> 00:10:49-.830 .390And I died in the course of this fight.11400:10:51--> 00:10:53 .100 .020I still remember.11500:10:53--> 00:10:58 .900 .730The moment I perish when destroyed the wailing wall in the underworld.11600:10:58--> 00:11:01 .970 .060But you're still ...11700:11:01--> 00:11:07 .510 .370Ah ... The impact of my fist in a fight and the taste of this food.11800:11:07-> 00:11:08-.830 .980They are real.11900:11:09--> 00:11:13 .790 .380This body, without doubt, is flesh and blood.12000:11:15-.590-> .130 00:11:18Why I was brought back to life?12100:11:18 .620--> 00:11:20 .620And why Asgard?12200:11:21--> 00:11:24 .100 .470This is the will of Odin?12300:11:24-> 00:11:29-.830 .640And if it is, the Odin plans with me?12400:11:30--> 00:11:31 .460 .230Leo aiolia.12500:11:33-> 00:11:34-.920 .060Only one thing is clear.12600:11:35 .650--> .300 00:11:42While I have this body, I need fight as a Knight of Gold of Athena.12700:11:42--> 00:11:47 .740 .350I understand, already has a fight to call your own.12800:11:47-> 00:11:49-.860 .950Why do you fight?12900:11:50-> 00:11:53-.310 .250Why put yourself in danger alone?13000:11:54-> 00:11:55 .040 .090That day,13100:11:56--> 00:11:58 .090 .670Miss Hilda told me something ...13200:11:59--> 00:12:03 .260 .950Destroy Yggdrasil and end the ambition of Andreas ...13300:12:04--> 00:12:06 .440 .220So pass it on ...13400:12:06--> 00:12:11 .930 .160Pass on this beautiful land of Asgard for future generations.13500:12:12-> 00:12:14-.060 .710Pass Asgard for future generations?13600:12:15 .610--> .880 00:12:20Lyfia, that's something only you can do.13700:12:22-> 00:12:25-.200 .330I don't know why I do, but ...13800:12:26--> 00:12:31 .000 .060I trust the words of Ms. Hilda, which hosted an orphan like me.13900:12:33-.580-00:12:35 > .820Sorry to have hindered his journey.14000:12:35--> 00:12:39 .820 .020I hope you enjoy your new life.14100:13:09--> 00:13:13 .820 .990Andreas is cheating people with beautiful words.14200:13:14 .750--> 00:13:19 .090In addition, he plot to take control of Asgard.14300:13:21-> 00:13:25-.840 .460Please, Leo Aiolia, fight by my side.14400
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
00: 00: 00,000 -> 00: 00: 10,000
http: // sandi / 2 00: 00: 34.660 -> 00: 00: 35.490 Come on! 3 00: 00: 36.370 -> 00:00: 37.740 For the sake of Love 4 00: 00: 38,700 -> 00: 00: 40.330 and justice on earth! 5 00: 00: 41.370 -> 00: 00: 44.540 ! With all our life and soul 6 00: 00: 45.250 -> 00: 00: 46.920 Burn now 7 00: 00: 47.580 -> 00: 00: 49.590 our golden Cosmo! 8 00: 00: 58.930 -> 00: 01: 03.390 To generate in our world of darkness ... a ray of light! 9 00: 02: 35.570 -> 00: 02: 37.380 drunk at the time? 10 00: 02: 44.990 -> 00: 02: 46.850 Hey, are you okay? 11 00: 02: 47.960 -> 00: 02: 49.870 Yeah, there's nothing to do. 12 00: 02: 55.550 -> 00: 02: 59.510 Relive, Golden Legend! 13 00: 03: 01.050 -> 00: 03: 04.400 Please! I beg your help! 14 00: 03: 04.400 -> 00: 03: 09.210 Coming from you, who served Miss. Hilda in Valhalla Palace, 15 00: 03: 09.210 -> 00: 03: 11,550 of course we would like to believe. 16 00: 03: 11,550 -> 00: 03: 15.790 Even if you are telling the truth, the we can do? 17 00: 03: 16,400 -> 00: 03: 18,550 Fight with me. 18 00: 03: 18,550 -> 00: 03: 23.060 against soldiers? Do you think this is possible? 19 00: 03: 23.060 -> 00: 03: 27.240 But if we continue without doing anything, Asgard will ... 20 00: 03: 28.410 -> 00: 03: 29.180 She's here! 21 00: 03: 32.880 -> 00: 03: 35.190 What are you going to do? Me loose! 22 00: 03: 36.630 -> 00: 03: 40.130 Be quiet there, you only disturbs! 23 00: 03: 40.130 -> 00: 03: 41.930 Do not give us work. 24 00: 03: 42.470 -> 00: 03: 45.330 Listen, you were wrong! 25 00: 03: 46.470 -> 00: 03: 48.930 Because if I were to listen to check it out. 26 00: 03: 49.640 -> 00:03 : 53.060 You can not hear? Not hear the voice of our Earth? 27 00: 03: 53.060 -> 00: 03: 56.260 At this rate, Asgard will be destroyed! 28 00: 04: 02.490 -> 00: 04: 05.140 You said ... Asgard? 29 00: 04: 06.310 -> 00: 04: 07.810 Q-Who's there? 30 00: 04: 09.330 -> 00: 04: 13.230 ? E-I'm in Asgard ... 31 00: 04: 14.040 -> 00: 04: 15,650 Who are you? 32 00: 04: 18,000 -> 00: 04: 21.150 You're not from Asgard? 33 00: 04: 24.130 -> 00: 04: 25.490 V-you right? 34 00: 04: 26.970 -> 00: 04: 29.240 Really ... I ... 35 00: 04: 31.270 -> 00: 04: 33.810 We destroyed the Western Wall. 36 00:04 : 36.520 -> 00: 04: 38,070 At that moment ... 37 00: 04: 38.570 -> 00: 04: 41.360 Along with all the other Gold Saints ... 38 00: 04: 44.660 -> 00 : 04: 46.340 Hey ... What are you ... 39 00: 04: 47.450 -> 00: 04: 48,300 I have to go. 40 00: 04: 48.780 -> 00: 04: 50.430 Go where? 41 00: 05: 18.730 -> 00: 05: 19.710 Stop! 42 00: 05: 21.280 -> 00: 05: 23.680 Out of my way, Asgard men. 43 00: 05: 24.360 -> 00:05 : 26,880 I have no intention of fighting you. 44 00: 05: 26,880 -> 00: 05: 29.640 So we will force to fight! 45 00: 05: 39.960 -> 00: 05: 41.820 These handles cutting the sky ... 46 00: 05: 42.440 -> 00: 05: 44.800 And those kicks splitting the land. 47 00: 05: 48.720 -> 00: 05: 53.490 They say they only appear when the barely spreads this world ... 48 00: 05: 58.440 -> 00: 06: 00.580 But this man ... No way! 49 00: 06: 01.400 -> 00: 06: 05.460 He is a Knight Golden Athena? 50 00: 06: 15,450 -> 00: 06: 18.620 ... The Great Eclipse ... 51 00: 06: 20.420 -> 00: 06: 23.440 How long the Sun is so? 52 00: 06: 23.880 -> 00: 06: 25.960 There are about a week. 53 00: 06: 28,050 -> 00: 06: 30,300 I need to run to the sanctuary. 54 00: 06: 30,300 -> 00: 06: 31.300 Wait! 55 00: 06: 32.180 -> 00: 06: 34.870 You must be a Knight of Athena, right? 56 00: 06: 36.770 -> 00: 06: 38.440 I'm Lyfia. 57 00: 06: 38.440 -> 00: 06: 41.630 Please, fight with me! 58 00: 06: 53.740 -> 00: 06: 55.810 How long will you follow me? 59 00: 06: 56.160 -> 00: 06: 58.270 . Until you hear what I have to say 60 00: 06: 58.960 -> 00: 07: 03.520 I've heard so many times, but my answer remains the same. 61 00: 07: 03.520 -> 00:07 : 05.020 Why? 62 00: 07: 05.020 -> 00: 07: 06.880 with his power ... 63 00: 07: 06.880 -> 00: 07: 11,550 As a Gold Saint Athena, you can save Asgard. 64 00: 07: 11,550 -> 00: 07: 14,480 Now is not the time for me, one of Athena Golden Knight, 65 00: 07: 14,480 -> 00: 07: 16,990 to engage with the problems of Asgard. 66 00: 07: 16,990 -> 00: 07: 19.820 What I thought when I saw you fighting earlier ... 67 00: 07: 20.230 -> 00: 07: 26.380 You can only be you savior that our god Odin had to save Asgard. 68 00: 07: 27.320 -> 00: 07: 31.130 You mean Odin brought me to Asgard? 69 00: 07: 31.450 -> 00: 07: 32.310 Not .. . 70 00: 07: 32.970 -> 00: 07: 35.370 That's all I did. 71 00: 07: 35.370 -> 00: 07: 40.580 A mere lady of Valhalla Palace do not know the will of a god. .. 72 00: 07: 40,960 -> 00: 07: 41.950 But ... 73 ​​00: 07: 51.010 -> 00: 07: 52.430 Sorry for the delay. 74 00: 08: 04.770 -> 00:08 : 07.770 It's just ... II do not eaten anything since yesterday. 75 00: 08: 07.770 -> 00: 08: 10,650 N-No, I have money! 76 00: 08: 11,150 -> 00:08 : 15.510 is that I spent the whole time being chased by soldiers. 77 00: 08: 16.830 -> 00: 08: 22,400 are soldiers Warriors Gods that have fought against us? 78 00: 08: 23,040 -> 00:08 : 25.270 That's not what it seemed. 79 00: 08: 25.270 -> 00: 08: 29.150 No, they are just low-ranking soldiers. 80 00: 08: 29.150 -> 00: 08: 33.320 Only a few selected Warriors can become Gods. 81 00: 08: 35.260 -> 00: 08: 36.160 Lord Drodi! 82 00: 08: 36.390 -> 00: 08: 39.060 Unable to capture a single woman 83 00: 08: 39.460 -> 00: 08: 42.620 and defeated by a foreigner ... 84 00: 08: 42.980 -> 00: 08: 44.210 How ridiculous. 85 00: 08: 44.210 -> 00: 08: 47.770 But, sir he was no ordinary man! 86 00: 08: 48.940 -> 00: 08: 52.550 Maybe he's a . Athena Golden Knight 87 00: 08: 52.860 -> 00: 08: 54.400 A Golden Knight ? 88 00: 08: 55.360 -> 00: 08: 57.680 Notify our Lord Andreas immediately. 89 00: 08: 57.680 -> 00: 08: 58.310 Yes! 90 00: 08: 59.950 -> 00:09: 01.290 Interesting. 91 00: 09: 01.790 -> 00: 09: 03.460 Andreas Lise? 92 00: 09: 03.460 -> 00: 09: 08.620 Yes, the representative of the god Odin in this nation. 93 00: 09: 08.620 -> 00: 09: 12,880 So it was Andreas who brought me to Asgard? 94 00: 09: 12,880 -> 00: 09: 13,440 No. 95 00: 09: 14,080 -> 00: 09: 17.910 What he You are not doing the will of the god Odin. 96 00: 09: 29.230 -> 00: 09: 30.440 Miss. Hilda! 97 00: 09: 31.820 -> 00: 09: 34.320 Hold on, Miss. Hilda! 98 00: 09: 34.820 -> 00: 09: 40.010 Miss. Hilda, the representative of Odin on Earth, became ill suddenly. 99 00: 09: 40.660 -> 00: 09: 45.790 So Andreas Lise came to replace her. 100 00: 09: 48,000 -> 00:09 : 53.860 He recreated the great tree Yggdrasil, which is forbidden on this earth. 101 00: 09: 55.670 -> 00: 09: 58.340 When Yggdrasil der fruit, 102 00: 09: 59.300 -> 00: 10: 01.870 Asgard will be blessed with the green of the earth 103 00: 10: 02.660 -> 00: 10: 05.580 . and the spill of light from the heavens 104 00: 10: 05.580 -> 00: 10: 10.310 will declare the end to the strict winter for so torments us. 105 00: 10: 12.570 -> 00: 10: 14,800 He is deceiving the people with beautiful words. 106 00: 10: 15.280 -> 00: 10: 16.090 Besides ... 107 00: 10: 18.070 -> 00: 10: 23.390 He plot to take control of Asgard with his seven Warriors Gods. 108 00: 10: 24.080 -> 00: 10: 27.510 The Yggdrasil must be destroyed soon 109 00: 10: 27.510 -> 00: 10: 30,500 or Asgard will be left to the mercy of a great disaster! 110 00: 10: 31.460 -> 00: 10: 34.970 Please Aiolia, fight beside me. 111 00:10 : 34.970 -> 00: 10: 37.640 And defeat Andreas! 112 00: 10: 38.470 -> 00: 10: 44.930 We, the Golden Knights, we are fighting Hades in the underworld. 113 00: 10: 45.390 - > 00: 10: 49.830 And I ... died in the course of this struggle. 114 00: 10: 51,100 -> 00: 10: 53.020 I still remember. 115 00: 10: 53.730 -> 00: 10: 58.900 the moment I perish when we destroy . the Western Wall in the underworld 116 00: 10: 58.970 -> 00: 11: 01.060 But you keep ... 117 00: 11: 01.510 -> 00: 11: 07.370 Oh. .. The impact of my fist in a fight and taste this food ... 118 00: 11: 07.830 -> 00: 11: 08.980 They are real. 119 00: 11: 09.790 -> 00: 11: 13.380 This body, no doubt, is of the flesh. 120 00: 11: 15.590 -> 00: 11: 18.130 Why I was brought back to life? 121 00: 11: 18.620 -> 00: 11: 20.620 Why Asgard? 122 00: 11: 21.470 -> 00: 11: 24,100 This is the will of Odin? 123 00: 11: 24.640 -> 00: 11: 29.830 And if so, what plans Odin me? 124 00: 11: 30.230 -> 00: 11: 31.460 Aiolia ... 125 00: 11: 33.060 -> 00: 11: 34.920 Only one thing is clear. 126 00: 11: 35.650 -> 00:11 : 42,300 As long as I have this body, I must fight as an Athena Golden Knight. 127 00: 11: 42.740 -> 00: 11: 47.350 I understand, already has a fight to call her. 128 00: 11: 47.950 - -> 00: 11: 49.860 Why do you fight? 129 00: 11: 50.310 -> 00: 11: 53.250 Why endangers alone? 130 00: 11: 54.040 -> 00: 11: 55.090 that day , 131 00: 11: 56.090 -> 00: 11: 58.670 Miss. Hilda told me something ... 132 00: 11: 59.260 -> 00: 12: 03.950 Destroy Yggdrasil and end Andreas ambition ... 133 00: 12: 04.220 -> 00: 12: 06.440 So pass forward ... 134 00: 12: 06.930 -> 00: 12: 11,160 Pass on this beautiful land of Asgard for future generations. 135 00: 12: 12,060 -> 00: 12: 14.710 Skip Asgard for future generations ? 136 00: 12: 15.610 -> 00: 12: 20.880 Lyfia, this is something that only you can do. 137 00: 12: 22,200 -> 00: 12: 25.330 I do not know why, but .. . 138 00: 12: 26,000 -> 00: 12: 31.060 I trust in the words of Miss. Hilda, who welcomed an orphan like me. 139 00: 12: 33.580 -> 00: 12: 35.820 I'm sorry I embarrassed your journey . 140 00: 12: 35.820 -> 00: 12: 39.020 I hope you enjoy your new life. 141 00: 13: 09.990 -> 00: 13: 13.820 Andreas is deceiving the people with beautiful words. 142 00:13: 14,750 -> 00: 13: 19.090 Also, it plot to take control of Asgard ... 143 00: 13: 21.840 -> 00: 13: 25.460 . Please Aiolia, fight with me 144 00

Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Inggris) 3:[Salinan]
00: 00: 00000 -- > 00: 00: 10000
http: / / Sandi /

00: 00: 34660 -- > 00: 00: 35490
come on!

00: 00: 36370 -- > 00: 00: 37740
for the sake of love

00: 00: 38700 -- > 00: 00: 40330
and justice in the earth.

00: 00: 41370 -- > 00: 00: 44540
with all our life and soul!

00: 00: 45250 -- > 00: 00: 46920

burn now, 7 00: 00: 47580 -- > 00: 00: 49590
our cosmos gold!

00: 00: 58930 -- > 00: 01: 03390
To create in our world
escuridão... A beam of light.

00: 02: 35570 -- > 00: 02: 37380
drunk at this hour?

00: 02: 44990 -- > 00: 02: 46850
hey, you okay?

00: 02: 47960 -- > 00: 02: 49870
s, nothing doing.

00: 02: 55550 -- > 00: 02: 59510
relive, the Golden Legend!

00: 03: 01050 -- > 00: 03: 04400
please! I beg you to help!

00: 03: 04400 -- > 00: 03: 09210
Coming from you, who served the
miss. Hilda in the palace of Valhalla,

00: 03: 09210 -- > 00: 03: 11550
it is clear that we would like to believe.

00: 03: 11550 -- > 00: 03: 15790
even if you are saying the
true, what can we do?

00: 03: 16400 -- > 00: 03: 18550
fight by my side.

00: 03: 18550 -- > 00: 03: 23060
against soldiers? Do you think
that be possible?

00: 03: 23060 -- > 00: 03: 27But if we continue without 240

do anything Asgard 's...

00: 03: 28410 -- > 00: 03: 29180
she is here!

00: 03: 32880 -- > 00: 03: 35190
what will you do? Let me go!

00: 03: 36630 -- > 00: 03: 40130
is still there, you just gets in the way.

00: 03: 40130 -- > 00: 03: 41930
does not give us work.

00: 03: 42470 - > 00: 03: 45330
look, you were wrong.

00: 03: 46470 -- > 00: 03: 48930
As if I were to listen to a wanted felon

00: 03: 49640 -- > 00: 03: 53060
you cannot hear? Don
hear the voice of our land?

00: 03: 27 53060 -- > 00: 03: 56260
at this pace, the Asgard will be destroyed!

00: 04: 02490 -- > 00: 04: 05140
you said... Asgard?

00: 04: 06310 -- > 00: 04: 07810
Q - who 's there?

00: 04: 09330 -- > 00: 04: 13230
and I 'm... In Asgard?

31 00: 04: 14040 - > 00: 04: 15650
- who are you?

00: 04: 18000 -- > 00: 04: 21150
you are not Asgard?

00: 04: 24130 -- > 00: 04: 25490
V - are you okay?

00: 04: 26970 -- > 00: 04: 29240
it is... I...

00: 04: 31270 -- > 00: 04: 33810

we destroyed the wailing wall.

00: 04: 36520 -- > 00: 04: 38070
at that moment...

00: 04: 38570 -- > 00: 04: 41360
along with all the
other knights of gold...

00: 04: 44660 -- > 00: 04: 46340
hey What do you...

00: 04: 47450 -- > 00: 04: 48300

and I need to go. 40 00: 04: 48780 -- > 00: 04: 50430
go to where?

00: 05: 18730 -- > 00: 05: 19710

00: 05: 21280 -- > 00: 05: 23680
get out of my way, men of Asgard.

00: 05: 24360 -- > 00: 05: 26880
I don 't have to fight you

00: 05: 26880 -- > 00: 05: 29640
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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