Christianity between Capitalism and SocialismRobert BogešićMinistry of terjemahan - Christianity between Capitalism and SocialismRobert BogešićMinistry of Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Christianity between Capitalism and

Christianity between Capitalism and Socialism
Robert Bogešić
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European integration of Croatia 1
Professional paper
Received: September, 2010.
Accepted: October, 2010.
Modern society is in an unsustainable state. There is a crisis in our political
systems, economies, finances and, what is worse, in our morals and value
standards. On one side, American capitalism is burdened with the struggle
for profit and social justice, and on the other, Europe is burdened with a
grand unifying project as a way of building stability and security. Where is
the Christian church in all of this? What does Christianity offer? Is there a
Christian socialism? Regardless of how the system is named – be it capitalism,
socialism or something else - only a system without the basic objective
of profit maximization, one that does not consume resources to the point of
their exhaustion, beyond its borders, one which is not based on greed, only
considering its own well-being, and that does not blame others for its mistakes,
but the one that is aware of its neighbor, only that one has a future.
Key words: Christianity, church, capitalism, socialism, globalization
There is a saying that goes, “Capitalism is a disease, and socialism is the wrong
remedy.” While capitalism is the social system in which capital, land and the
means of production are in private hands, socialism has no class that could monopolize
resources, that belong to a general social fund. 2
1 The author is writing his personal opinion.
2 The concept of capital is considered to be all manufactured supplies that are
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Kekristenan antara kapitalisme dan sosialismeRobert BogešićKementerian Luar Negeri dan Eropa integrasi Kroasia 1Robert.bogesic@mvpei.HRUDK: 26: 327.5Profesional kertasMenerima: September 2010.Diterima: Oktober 2010.RingkasanMasyarakat modern adalah dalam keadaan yang tidak berkelanjutan. Ada krisis di kami politiksistem, ekonomi, keuangan dan, yang lebih parah lagi, moral dan nilai kamistandar. Di satu sisi, kapitalisme Amerika dibebani dengan perjuanganuntuk keuntungan dan keadilan sosial, dan di sisi lain, Europe dibebani denganProyek pemersatu Grand sebagai cara untuk membangun stabilitas dan keamanan. Di manaGereja Kristen dalam semua ini? Apa Kekristenan tawarkan? Apakah adaSosialisme Kristen? Terlepas dari bagaimana sistem ini dinamai-baik itu kapitalisme,sosialisme atau sesuatu yang lain-hanya sistem tanpa tujuan dasardari maksimalisasi keuntungan, salah satu yang tidak mengkonsumsi sumber daya untuk titikmereka kelelahan, melampaui perbatasan negaranya, salah satu yang tidak didasarkan pada keserakahan, hanyamengingat kesejahteraan sendiri, dan bahwa tidak menyalahkan orang lain untuk kesalahan,Tapi satu yang menyadari tetangganya, hanya satu memiliki masa depan.Kata kunci: Christianity, gereja, kapitalisme, sosialisme, globalisasiPendahuluanAda pepatah yang berbunyi, "kapitalisme adalah penyakit, dan sosialisme adalah salahobat." Sementara kapitalisme adalah sistem sosial di mana modal, tanah dansarana produksi di tangan pribadi, sosialisme telah tidak ada kelas yang dapat memonopolisumber daya yang berasal dari dana sosial umum. 21 penulis menulis pendapat pribadi.2 konsep modal dianggap semua diproduksi persediaan yang
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Christianity between Capitalism and Socialism
Robert Bogešić
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European integration of Croatia 1
Professional paper
Received: September, 2010.
Accepted: October, 2010.
Modern society is in an unsustainable state. There is a crisis in our political
systems, economies, finances and, what is worse, in our morals and value
standards. On one side, American capitalism is burdened with the struggle
for profit and social justice, and on the other, Europe is burdened with a
grand unifying project as a way of building stability and security. Where is
the Christian church in all of this? What does Christianity offer? Is there a
Christian socialism? Regardless of how the system is named – be it capitalism,
socialism or something else - only a system without the basic objective
of profit maximization, one that does not consume resources to the point of
their exhaustion, beyond its borders, one which is not based on greed, only
considering its own well-being, and that does not blame others for its mistakes,
but the one that is aware of its neighbor, only that one has a future.
Key words: Christianity, church, capitalism, socialism, globalization
There is a saying that goes, “Capitalism is a disease, and socialism is the wrong
remedy.” While capitalism is the social system in which capital, land and the
means of production are in private hands, socialism has no class that could monopolize
resources, that belong to a general social fund. 2
1 The author is writing his personal opinion.
2 The concept of capital is considered to be all manufactured supplies that are
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